The Psychosocial Risk Assessment in Pediatrics (PRAP) is a screening tool designed to assess pediatric patients’ risk for experiencing elevated distress during healthcare encounters. The PRAP includes a database that stores, organizes, and analyzes psychosocial data. It also has benchmarking capability, enabling comparison of PRAP data with other facilities. The variables assessed in the PRAP were selected from risk factors identified in empirical research and from risk factors suggested by a committee of subject matter experts (including child life specialists, psychologists, and physicians).

The reliability and validity of using the PRAP to help predict which patients are more likely to experience psychological distress from a healthcare encounter was established in an IRB-approved research study of 200 participants. Established interview questions provide insight that can target specific patient issues and guide selection of the most appropriate interventions. The PRAP can assist clinicians with identifying patients more at risk for long-term negative effects from healthcare. The PRAP can also serve as an efficient and cost-effective approach to determine how psychosocial resources and staffing might be allocated to meet the greatest need. In an era of limited resources and increasing patient needs, rigorous assessment is imperative.

Review the Research

Staab, J. H., Klayman, G. J., & Lin, L. (2013). Assessing pediatric patient’s risk of distress during health-care encounters: The psychometric properties of the psychosocial risk assessment in pediatrics. Journal of Child Health Care, 1367493513496671.

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License the Tool

The PRAP will be available for license from the Child Life Council in October 2014

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